Looking to Make a Career Change?

By DonShook

Many of us get caught up in the daily routine of going to work without assessing their progress on the job or carefully managing their careers. Remember the times when it was a good thing to hold on to your job for the rest of your working life even if you were unsatisfied? Well, those days are long gone. Considering a new career direction has become an option that a lot of people are thinking about and exploring as we speak. Making a major career change is not as easy as it sounds, since we all have responsibilities and bills to pay. Worry no more; here are a number of helpful tips to help you move to the next level and to take your career in the direction of your interest.

But how can you be sure that you want to change careers rather than just get a new job? Any job has its ups and downs; we have all had days when we were not excited about our jobs. But if you find yourself constantly reading articles such as this one, asking friends in other careers questions about their jobs or even attending “career change” events, then most probably you are ready for change. Let us discuss the steps that you should follow in order to make a smooth transition into your new career.

Likes and Dislikes

Think about your previous jobs, what were the things that you liked and did not like about them? This will give you a clearer idea about what you might be naturally good at, which will eventually lead you to the career path that leverages your strengths. Of course, having the chance to do what you like most is not always the case, but if you have your clear career path in sight then you are more likely to get to it. The MBTI Personality Test will provide you with some insight into how you should approach the process of managing your career and hunting for jobs. It can also help you identify potential pitfalls and blind-spots that might hinder your professional progress.

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Researching Careers

It is vital, at this stage, to research the careers that interest you the most. By doing so, your career path will gradually become evident to you. There are many career research methods. One excellent method is to turn to friends or mentors for advice, especially if they were working within the industry of your interest, they will definitely help you get established in your new career. Another important method is to do some actual research. Visit job websites and check out the job descriptions, employment opportunities and the required education and training. In other words, learn the language of the industry that you want to enter into and make your new career in.

Tweak Your CV

So you have identified your strengths and done your homework, now is the time to work on your CV. It is true that few companies will hire you as a Marketing Manager if your CV highlights your 10-year experience in Finance! You can’t just present your old CV since it will only emphasize your old career path. Try to draw attention to the aspects of your past experience that matches the current needs of the new industry you want to enter into. A CV writing service might be just what you need at this point, and there are plenty out there to choose from.

Test-Drive Your New Career

Now you can test-drive your new career before you take the plunge and switch careers. It’s really not easy to walk away from your old job and start over, but there are many other options that can help you gain the necessary experience in your new career field before you quit your current job. Find an internship program, volunteer, or find a part-time job within your new career industry. This will not only equip you with the required knowledge but will also provide you with the confidence and contacts that you will definitely need along the way.

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Start the Job-Hunting Process

It has probably been a while since you have had to look for a job. It is time that you re-used your job hunting skills. It’s OK if you are feeling a bit unsure or insecure; it is a natural part of the career change process. The Internet has simplified the way you search for jobs, and the way employers find employees. Akhtaboot.com has made the job searching process easier than ever; all you have to do is: complete your profile, upload your CV, and change your status to “looking for a job”. That’s about it! You can now apply to any job in the company that you really want to work for.

You must really understand that career transition is not easy, but if you know exactly what you want then follow a precise career plan, stay focused, and really believe in yourself and that your perfect job is out there and you will definitely find it. The whole process might require a lot of your time and effort, but ultimately, the reward of having a gratifying and inspiring career makes it all worth the hard work.