7 Steps to Generate New Business Opportunities

By DonShook

Step 1: Keep your focus on your core product.

Generate New Business Opportunities and e-newsletter publisher, he has been very successful. His mantra is: “Prospects only buy when they feel your company’s stability is possible. They trust that your value will be applicable to their situation.” His strong position allows him the ability to continuously review the services and value that he is providing his customers. As we move through the seven steps, keep this in mind. This mantra will help you to create a solid plan.

In small service businesses, it is common for Generate New Business Opportunities to feel they have to do all the work of the “big guys”. It is not possible for small-business owners to compete in the exact same way. Small businesses must be able to distinguish themselves by focusing on their core capabilities and products. The greatest asset of an entrepreneur is specialization.

Step 2: Keep your pitch simple.

When was the last time you asked someone what their company does? Did you glaze over when they ended their explanation? I would guess it was the former. You can now imagine the same pitch being presented in a different way to prospects who do not have a glass with them to distract themselves. This isn’t a pretty picture.

Every company requires a simple “elevator pitch”. This is a brief, concise message that communicates your message to a prospect within 30 seconds. It describes the value of your product/service so that prospects can understand why it’s relevant to their situation.

To test your pitch clarity, try this exercise. Ask someone who doesn’t know your business to listen carefully to your pitch. Explain the company’s mission and watch out for fatigue signs such as eye watering, heavy lids, and other symptoms. Even though you might have the perfect pitch, it is possible to make mistakes. However, if you don’t have the perfect pitch you can recognize it immediately from your verbal or physical responses.

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Step 3: Keep true to your identity

You can reach your goals by understanding who you really are and what makes you happy (and bored). Discomfort and procrastination are two of the biggest obstacles to a growth plan. It is human nature to delay things that cause discomfort. There are many daily business needs that every business owner dislikes. It’s time for you to stop putting off important tasks.

Be true to yourself and what you love. Your interests and expertise will help you expand and develop your abilities. A bookkeeper is a great option if accounting is your weakness. To help your personal organization get under control, you can hire a temp. Keep your focus on the “A” priority tasks, and delegate the Bs and Cs.

Step 4: Draw it.

A great way to decide your service strategy is to compare your capabilities and the needs of your clients. You’ll discover that even though you might be skilled in many areas, your customers don’t require your specific expertise.

Entrepreneurs share one common trait. They want to “cast wide a net” and be all things for all companies. However, small businesses are more successful because they offer a smaller range of services. Keep in mind that a small business can offer top-quality, niche services.

You should create a list that your clients will use to make their decision about who they want to work with in selecting a provider for your industry. Next, rank yourself in each category. Be brutally honest. After this intensive evaluation, make sure your elevator pitch is still on-point.

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Step 5 – Use the best marketing tools for you.

It is important to choose a marketing strategy that matches your personality and the needs of the people you serve. You don’t want to get up in front a crowd if you have anxiety. You’ll derail your efforts if you don’t perform well.

Identify the best two marketing tools you have used that have worked well for your company in the past. Let’s assume that cold calling and a web site are the top two marketing tools you’ve used in the past. Start thinking of new ways to improve your perspective. Consider the financial and cost implications when choosing your marketing tools. Determine what will bring you the greatest return on investment. Each tool should yield a revenue-producing end in one way or the other.

Step 6: Develop a plan.

We have been in planning mode until now. Now it’s time for us to actually get to work. Your action plan will give you the map to help you measure your progress.

You should set goals that can be Generate New Business Opportunities reviewed every three or six months. You can check your plan periodically at three-month intervals to make sure you’re reaching your goals. If you feel you are not hitting your target, ask for the reason. Are the tools right for your target customers? Were you able to integrate the strategy or were you merely focusing on one of the tools.

Make sure to include specific actions that will be taken every day to meet your goals. This will ensure that you are always focused on the plan’s goals.

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Step 7: Follow the plan.

The last step is very simple: Simply do it. Complete your daily actions, then do something else to help you achieve your goals. If you feel butterflies when you approach your plan, you can either forget it or choose an action you are comfortable with to continue on your path. Unplanned tasks shouldn’t be wasted time. Most importantly, enjoy the process!

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